Qotsa Mini-Documentary and the B0neface Connection

…Like Clockwork…Like Clockwork

I’m a pretty big Queens of the Stone Age enthusiast, they’ve provided the soundtrack to various stages of my life and a couple genuinely amazing live music experiences. I really connected with the album …Like Clockwork’ on a variety of levels, it gave me some great sounds while fighting my way through a period of radical personal growth, washed my rattled mind in a little sonic softness durning a mild heartbreak and introduced me to the work of UK artist Boneface.

Keep Your Eyes Peeled by B0nefaceKeep Your Eyes Peeled by B0neface

The artist teamed up with the band to create animated videos for five tracks, I Appear Missing, Kalopsia, Keep Your Eyes Peeled, If I Had A Tail and My God is the Sun. The culminative effort results in a story of ongoing struggle and injury depicted with stylish, ornately dark artwork and is a definite treat for the eyes. There’s something inherently DIY about the animation execution that makes them feel even a little more edgy in concert with the music.

The B0neface videos from …Like Clockwork

I also found a mini documentary on the making of the album by YouTube channel Middle8, It’s really well produced and if you’re even remotely interested in the band you’ll enjoy it. After watching the mini-doco I definitely have a greater appreciation for the album and feel a slightly stronger connection to the music than I did before.

And just because it’s equally as good and QotSA related, here’s another Middle8 video on the album Songs for the Deaf’.

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