Rhapsody in Solitude

Arzach, the creation of French comic auteur Jean Moebius’ Giraud was always such a surreal and enticing visual feast for me. Expansive yet extremely minimal, simple yet richly complex, the juxtaposition of such polar opposites is held together by the breathtaking draftsmanship of the artist, this is truly an example of show, don’t tell’.

The titular characterThe titular character

Essentially, a lone traveller flies across strange, desolate lands on his truaty Pterodactyl! Jiraud said he wanted to explore the idea of solitude in a positive lens. As the artist himself was know for craving it.

In 2003 a short animated series was produced, it’s pretty raw, introduces extra characters but none the less is still pretty cool to watch. Here’s the collected 14 episodes.

· art · inspiration · animation

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